Friday, May 9, 2008

Haziq - Day 15

Hi, salam sume...Haziq looks tension (gmbr sblh)..mungkin sebab ibu die asyik dok kacau die tido jer!!! Haziq today alhamdulillah dah start minum susu balik but slowly incr frm 2ml to 5ml.Dr Zul x mao rush coz takot he still can't tolerate with the milk. For me, dia dh start minum pon least he can start to regain some weight & he can come back home as early as possible.Dr Zul dah buat x-ray on his chest & it seems his lungs & heart are ok. Rashes pon dah kurang.confirm its due to the phototherapy (for jaundis).mmm btw, based on his blood test, it shows that Haziq still has a little bit of jaundis so Dr bg treatment underneath his body..Thats all for today..ibu doakan Haziq cepat sembuh..Ibu tau Haziq kuat..Love you sayang..!!!

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