Friday, May 23, 2008

Haziq - Day 28

Harini genap 28 hari Haziq kat SMC. Alhamd can c the progress on his weight. He is gaining approx about 0.05kg a day due to the appetton.So we assume he can b discharge in a week time, hopefully...Faizal & I will be busy preparing stuff for Haziq. We need to prepare the baby cot, the car seat & some other stuff yang tak sempat nak beli before his birth.We also need to unpacked things @ Komuteraya & make sure all the things and the house cleaned up before he comes back. Cepat2 balik tau sayang..Ibu tak sabar sangat!!!..


nakhoda said...

adakah baby ini akan montel seperti ibunyer ... tunggu dan lihat ... heheheheheh

Anonymous said...

rasenye nanti sama montel ni ngan along hikshiks..haziq cepat balik n membesar tau..x sabar 'aunty zaza'nk balik jumpe haziq..haha..