Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Haziq - Day 13

Today Dr Zul stopped Haziq’s feeding because he find out that his stomach still can't tolerate with the milk. Kesian die..He has to wait for another 2 days till they feed him again. Mak mane yang tak menangis tengok anak die macam terseksa jer…!! Tadi Dr Yasmin helped to make another line on his left hand bcoz the one on his leg was leaking..Haziq active sangat sampai lebam2 kaki die. Tak sanggup nak tengok masa dia cucuk Haziq but I was so impressed with Haziq..Sikit pon tak menangis tadi..cume merengek2 sekejap…Air mata die jer berlinang-linang..…Can’t continue this anymore…sedey sangat..teringat je muka die..comel sungguh anak ibu..

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